Monday, October 30, 2006

Just Wondering . . .

Sometimes we all get into a reflective mood and ask ourselves about certain subjects. At the risk of being too self-revealing and being called a whiner, I feel the need to “think out loud.”
I wonder …

Am I the only one who is tired of...

…rude and crude TV commercials?
... seeing celebrities, with their live-in lovers and out-of-wedlock-babies, and weird ideas, set forth as the “best and brightest” of society?
... divorce and what it does to people … and kids?
... seeing people make fools of themselves for the approval of their friends?
...seeing young men and women of good character get passed over for dates and marriage just because they are not the “best-looking”?
... hearing evil called good and good called evil?
… seeing flesh flashed from midriff tops, low-cut blouses, low-cut pants, etc.?
… seeing immorality glorified and purity mocked?
… hearing that mankind descended from apes?
… seeing friends diagnosed with cancer?
… seeing churches split?
… hearing people tell lies?
… seeing people live lies?
… seeing TATTOOS!?
But the Bible exhorts me: “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not grow weary.” (Galatians 6:9)

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Lance's Lines

I never thought that I would be posting a blog. However, in the past few days I have changed my mind. I have been thinking how I like to "rattle things around in my head"--I think and rehash things as I mow grass, drive to appointments, etc. I have often "preached a sermon" or "written" articles as I went about my daily chores. I feel that with a blog, I can do that in a constructive way and invite others to follow my journey.
There are articles that I would like to write and subjects I would like to consider, bu those things are a little too personal for a bulletin. Sometimes I will rant about something that annoys, concerns or confounds me.
So, if you like, follow my journey as I observe and go about the task of living.