Saturday, December 16, 2006

"What If..."

What if we all, at the same time...
...Decided to violate all the laws we thought were ridiculous?
...Decided to cheat on any kind of test or requirement?
...Decided to seek personal revenge upon someone who wronged us?
...Decided to leave our job because we felt there was too much pressure?
...Decided to “live together” instead of making the commitment of marriage?
...Decided to leave our mate because we weren’t happy?
...Decided not to raise and provide for our children because it was just too
...Decided for ourselves what it takes/means to be a Christian?
...Decided to skip worship because there was something else we wanted to
For an inspired commentary on what happened when everyone felt (and acted) this way, read Judges 21:25, and then read Judges 1:1-21:24.

On the other hand, what if we all, at the same time...
...Resolved to obey (as long as they are in harmony with the will of God) the
laws of the land ?
...Resolved to be honest in every facet of life?
...Resolved to leave vengeance to God?
...Resolved to do the best that we can at our job and use it to glorify God?
...Resolved to marry one person, for life, and to do our part to make that
marriage what it ought to be?
...Resolved to raise our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord?
...Resolved to let God’s word dictate Christian behavior?
...Resolved to assemble and worship with the saints at every opportunity?

We should maintain a commitment: 1) Because it is right; 2) Because it is good for us; 3) Because it is good for those around us.

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