Thursday, March 29, 2007

What Difference Does It Make, Really?

If you are obstructed on your path to marry someone who says, “I want to marry a Christian”—and you are baptized merely to remove that obstacle, what difference does it make, really?

If you are present at worship services, yet you leave each one only to live as the world dictates, what difference does it make, really?

If you profess to believe that the Bible teaches that a Christian should sing without the accompaniment of instruments worship, yet when in attendance, you refuse to sing (even though you are able to), what difference does it make, really?

If, as a parent, you instruct your children, to read the Bible and honor the Lord in their lives, but you make no effort to do the same, what difference does it make, really?

If you profess to be a Christian, and thus to “seek first the kingdom of God,” yet most times, when the kingdom and the world battle for priority in your life, the activities of the world take precedence over those of the kingdom, what difference does it make, really?

If you believe that the gospel is the “good news” and the power of God to salvation, yet you make no effort whatsoever to lead even your loved ones to Christ, what difference does it make really?

If you are a leader in the Lord’s church and your attitude and actions contradict the very Bible passages you are supposed to fulfill, what difference does it make, really?

If you profess to be a Christian and, before God and witnesses, promise to stay with another person for the rest of your life—and your marriage ends because of you and your sinfulness, what difference does it make, really?

If you are a Bible class teacher and fail to provide the proper example in preparation and responsibility, what difference does it make, really?

If you profess to believe in heaven and say that you want to go there when you die, yet you make no provision for spiritual things while on earth, what difference does it make, really?

Are you a Christian?
What difference has it made, really?

Postscript: Shortly after writing the above article, I came across this quote by Lonnie Jones: "A difference that makes no difference is no difference." Well said.

1 comment:

Bobby Cohoon said...

I like your "Ifs." I am a Christian and I know it has made a difference in my life and hopefully in the lives of those I touch. Good thoughts brother.
